Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barackin' the suburbs just like Michael Jackson did (what?...they're both half white)

I guess I'm pretty glad that Barack is our President elect.  I was out pounding the pavement looking for a job today, and then I remembered that we're all about to be socialists... so I stopped for lunch.  

I stopped at Camille's cafe, a little sandwich and salad shop on La Salle.  It was raining and my umbrella had snapped in half (future shiv), so I was ready for my Bolshevik Break (see Socialist joke above).  Somehow, I keep getting turned around downtown and have to ask the question "Which way is the lake?".  I carry a map with me, but I like to maneuver on my feet.  Did Lewis and Clark have a detailed map?  No!  Hmm, they did, however, have a Native American guide...I'm pretty sure I could find one on the Southside for cheap.  I'll look into it.

Nevertheless, job search 2008 is on!  I've applied at retail stores around the city, and a few legit jobs on Monster.  I'm slightly commitment-phobic when it comes to jobs.  I HATE having to quit, so it puts a lot of pressure in finding the right job from the get-go.  

Time for yoga!  Namaste.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Yes, money should be arriving to your mailbox anyday . . . well maybe not until January after the official takeover!